A shitty thing happened. And that’s okay.

brown background with large pink circle

Sometimes when the shittiest of things happens, it really can be a blessing in disguise. I’ll take cliches for $1000, Alex!

I got some disappointing news yesterday. I won’t share publicly, but it doesn’t really matter what the details are. An unfair decision was made that affects the resources available to me and there is nothing I could do, that I haven’t already done, to change this shitty thing.

Fairly basic life sucks kind of situation. It hurts and will continue to hurt.

Bright sides to this shitty thing that happened:

  • I heard about it sooner rather than later. Less time to get my hopes up that positive change was on its way.

  • It confirmed what I already knew; like blatant, in your face, you can’t deny this reality any longer. Poop!

  • Decision making will be clearer moving forward.

  • As with all shitty things, I’ll be okay in the long run. Life challenges are opportunities to remind myself what a badass lady I truly am.

Let’s dive into how we handle these kind of moments in life. First, a definition:

Shitty thing: a life challenge that comes up forcing you to decide if your higher self is in charge or your lesser self will run the show.

Yesterday, as the realization that the very thing I had worked so hard to change for the last 12 months was going to steamroll over me anyway, I was, of course, furious. And still am. So what am I going to do about this shitty thing that has taken up residence in my life?

Step one: Even though the situation itself is appallingly unfair, I have a choice about whether or not to remain in it. Leaving the situation immediately would have major implications, but regardless, I could weather them. Not easily, but still an option.

That I can remove myself helped me ground into my real power yesterday. Even if now is not the time. This understanding righted my capsized boat. So step one, check!

Step two: Now, some big picture evaluation. Am I happy in this current situation, even without the shitty thing happening? I’m not miserable, no, but I also am quite aware that it’s not my work on the planet. When I take my last breath in this life, will this even rank in my Top 100 Greatest Hits? Nope.

That I know it’s not my long term place to be, the place to do my life’s work, is also something to hold dear. I have direction, I have self-awareness, I have faith in my own ability grow beyond where I am. So step two, check!

Step three: Acceptance of the shitty thing is the real fight. Focusing my time, attention, and commitment toward the future I do desire, while still remaining present with the shitty thing. Action in the now is the best antidote to future regret.

It’s been one day, a day I knew would come eventually. But denial likes to drag its feet as long as possible. As morning shines, I choose to go out into the world with a new resolve for my future, my power, my value, and all my opportunities ahead. Vision is a powerful ally.

When a shitty thing comes your way, trust yourself to process and use it to power you along to your next adventure. Undoubtedly, when the next shitty thing comes along, you’ll be fortified to weather that one, too.

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